Monday, April 14, 2008

Ayurvedic Medicine and Amalaki

Amalaki, found in Zrii juice is one of the most powerful fruits in ayurvedic medicine. It is used in numerous remedies and tonics because of its strong rejuvenating nature and other well documented properties. So what is ayurvedic medicine and why has it found its way into the science of Zrii juice? What are the basic principles of this ancient way of improving health and wellness?

Ayurvedic medicine is rooted in ayurveda and means “the science of life.” This science takes a holistic approach to healing and is believed to have an answer for almost all indications. The knowledge of this type of medicine goes back to ancient India and is said to have been passed down through a succession of deities and finally given to human beings. A modern interest in ayurveda was awoken in the 70s especially after the eastern traditions of meditation and yoga started to become popular. The basic principles of ayurvedic medicine state that the energies of a person have to be balanced. This is achieved through diet, herbs and the right lifestyle. Ayurveda also states that we are each classified into one of three types or “doshas” and the dominant “dosha” in each of us rules. The three doshas are Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Vata is to do with air, ether and space and the movement of the body and mind. Pitta is fire and water and governs heat, metabolism and sensory activities. Kapha involves earth and water. In ayurvedic medicine the entire universe is composed of air, fire, water, earth and ether. Although an imbalance in the universe is certainly undesirable, an imbalance of these components in a human body is what causes disease. Each dosha is related to a certain body and personality type and predisposition to certain diseases. Treatment is therefore focused in restoring balance in doshas and different plants, herbs and fruits are said to naturally restore this balance.

Ayurvedic medicine involves the use of about 5000 natural products. Widely recognized as the oldest form of healthcare in the world, ayurveda has a handful of naturally found plants, herbs or fruits that stand out head and shoulders above the rest in terms of uses. Amalaki is one such fruit. Its uses are versatile and numerous and it is particularly effective for Pitta or fire imbalances. Amalaki however cannot be easily eaten due to its bitter taste and is therefore more palatable as a main ingredient in the form of Zrii juice. It reduces Pitta to balance it out with Vata and Kapha. In its normal state, Pitta allows for good digestion, visual perception, controlled heat, intelligence and determination. It is found mainly in the small intestine, stomach, sweat, blood and the eyes. Amalaki is said to be good for “Ojas” or good digestion which leads to overall good health.

While ayurvedic medicine is concerned with preventing disease and promoting wellness, it is also focused on treating conditions after they have occurred in the body. The goal of the use of Amalaki in ayurveda is to reduce symptoms and worry, eliminate impurities and eliminate physical and psychological problems.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

zrii has changed my life in terms of balance. i sleep, stage 4, have no afternoon lulls, and my energy throughout the day is great, i know longer need naps etc.