Saturday, March 29, 2008

Amalaki vs. Synthetic Vitamin C

Amalaki is a small greenish yellowish fruit grown on a small to medium sized tree in India and Nepal. It is fondly known as the “nurse” to thousands of people in India today and has been known as such since ancient times. Today amalaki “the nurse” is being introduced to the rest of the world through Zrii juice. This fruit is essential to many in India who take it daily as part of their health regimen. It is a super fruit, a cure-all that has been hidden from us for too long. Amalaki is very important because it is a rich source of phytonutrients and antioxidants. The antioxidant Vitamin C stands out above the rest in this fruit because this vitamin has not been found in any other fruit in such a large amount. One small amalaki fruit about the size of a grape contains the Vitamin C content of 2 large oranges. Unfortunately the amalaki fruit has a bitter, astringent taste and to get its full benefits, this organically grown fruit has been mildly processed to result in the delicious Zrii juice. So why not just take a Vitamin C supplement rather than drink Zrii juice? Zrii also contains Turmeric, Tulsi, Schizandra, Jujube, Haritaki and Ginger each of which brings more benefits to those who drink the juice. These 6 other ingredients also help to unleash the full potency of the amalaki. The fruit is a natural source of vitamin C, a gift to us from nature.

Synthetic Vitamin C as found in many vitamin supplements is poorly absorbed by the body. This is because it has been isolated and is not present in its complete form as it was meant to be taken. It is acid forming and puts a strain on the body’s systems such as the liver and kidneys. These organs have quite a hard time processing synthetic vitamin C and excreting it. The key is to have all the naturally occurring elements present to allow the synergistic and balancing effects to occur. In other words, the nutrients in “whole food” products are always better than those same nutrients existing in isolation. If you want to get the most health benefits from something, ingest it wholly; don’t just pick and choose what you want out of it. Some Vitamin C supplements or products are tagged with rose hips or acerola and give the impression that they are natural. In fact many of these also contain a large amount of synthetic or isolated vitamin C.

Zrii juice contains amalaki exactly as it was meant to be eaten and therefore vitamin C in its most natural form. It is grown in the nutrient dense soil under the Himalayas in some of the cleanest air and freshest water available. The fruit is harvested in the wild crafting method and that means it is grown among other trees species exactly as would happen in nature. It is not grown by mono-cropping which is a method of cultivating trees or plants by growing lots of that particular tree and only that particular tree on acres of land. No chemical fertilizers, pesticides or herbicides are used. The fruit is handpicked exactly as they did in ancient times and then cold-pressed to use the whole plant.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Zrii and the Health Juice Industry

The health juice industry is a billion dollar industry that has advanced from the back of small health foods stores selling carrot juice, tomato juice and wheat germ. When most people think of a health juice drink they immediately conjure images of something green and thick that may have a strange smell and is sure to taste peculiar. This image continues to be in the minds of many who still resort to drinking sodas or non-100% juice drinks that claim to be fruit juice. Most of these are laden with high amount of sugar and do almost nothing for the drinker other than quench their thirst. In fact some of these drinks seem to make you thirstier after you drink them! What is currently agreed upon by most health practitioners who have your best interests at heart is to advise you to drink water at all times and lots of it. But if you are like most people you would like to enjoy something with the resemblance of some sort of taste if not to please your taste buds, then at least for the color! Therefore your best resort is to find a health juice that is 100% juice and tastes and looks great. Take it one step further and find a health juice that promises to help you achieve total health and wellness. Zrii is just that health juice.

It contains Turmeric, Tulsi, Schizandra, Jujube, Haritaki and Ginger but its essential and main ingredient is Amalaki, nature richest source of Vitamin C and loads of other important nutrients and minerals. People are becoming increasingly aware of what they put in their bodies. The phrase “you are what you eat” has never meant so much. Everyone is in search of the perfect food and the phrase “super foods” was recently coined in 2004. Super foods describe foods that provide a great amount of nutrition with the least amount of calories involved. The health juice industry has benefited from the diet revolution that has swept the world.

Zrii hopes to become the leading choice for health juice drinkers and even the leading choice of drink for those who may have never thought of health juices in this way. Zrii is delicious, and is said to liven up the tongue upon the first sip. Its main ingredient amalaki is an excellent rejuvenator that has been used in ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years for its numerous health benefits.

The makers of Zrii hope to transform the face of the fruit juice industry and specifically the health juice industry with this great drink. People in India attest to the use of amalaki for diabetes, heart conditions, liver disorders, increasing red blood cell count, strengthening new tissues and even providing great skin and lustrous hair. Zrii has the potential of taking the health juice industry by storm and you can be a part of the phenomenon either as a drinker of Zrii or a seller of the product brought to us by Bill Farley.

For more information please go to
Zrii is a registered trade mark of Zrii LLC

Monday, March 24, 2008

Zrii Quality

If you are interested in joining the ground floor opportunity offered by Bill Farley and the makers of Zrii you may be concerned about the safety of the product. If a food or drink item is unsafe, it not only compromises the health of its consumers but may also ruin the reputation of the producing company and all who endorse the product. Zrii is lead by Bill Farley, a highly successful business mogul and part-owner of the Chicago White Sox. It is endorsed by the Chopra Center for WellBeing co founded by Deepak Chopra and David Simon. This is the first third party product endorsed by the Chopra Center. These are leaders in their communities and upstanding individuals who would not put their names on anything that may even have the potential of being unsafe. So how is Zrii made safely?

This nutritional juice drink was researched and formulated by some of the top chemists and nutritionists with advice from western medical doctors and ayurvedic practitioners. They came up with the perfect combination of Amalaki, Turmeric, Tulsi, Schizandra, Jujube, Haritaki and Ginger to unleash the power of the miracle amalaki fruit. Zrii uses a pure form of the amalaki fruit organically grown in the foothills of the Himalayas in soil that is rich in nutrients. The air is some of the cleanest in the world and the water is also some of the purest. Amalaki is grown by wild crafting. This means that it is harvested exactly the way it would grow naturally in the wild surrounded by other trees and plants and herbs. The opposite of wild crafting is to grow it by mono-cropping. This would mean that the tree would be grown solely by itself among other amalaki trees rather than what would naturally take place. Wild crafted varieties of plants are considered to be the most superior. Those concerned about safety would be pleased to know that amalaki is grown organically and without the use of any harmful chemicals or pesticides. In keeping in line with the tradition, the fruit is handpicked just as it would have been thousands of years ago. It is then processed by cold-pressing and the entire plant is utilized. The extracted juice is vacuum dried and all its nutritional powers are retained.

Due to its astringent taste, the makers of Zrii cannot bring the amalaki to you in its raw form. After going through a mild form of processing, the 6 supporting active ingredients Turmeric, Tulsi, Schizandra, Jujube, Haritaki and Ginger are added in the right quantities and then mixed in with other juices such as anti-oxidant-rich pomegranate, grape, cranberry, and raspberry juice.

The makers of Zrii stand behind the quality of the product and have cared enough to prevent the health benefits of amalaki to no longer be kept a secret from the world. We can believe that the company will also care about the safety of their product and aim to bring it to us in the safest way.